Academic Papers
Policy Papers
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References to my Work
Policy Papers
Policy Papers
Namibia (2022)
Hausmann, R., Santos, M., Barrios, D., Taniparti, N., Tudela, Tudela,. and Lu, J. “The Economic Complexity of Namibia: A Roadmap for Productive Diversification” Harvard CID Faculty Working Paper No. 410. March 2022
Hausmann, R., Santos, M.A., Barrios, D., Taniparti, N., Tudela J., Muci, J.F. and Jessie Lu. “A Growth Diagnostic of Namibia”. Harvard CID Faculty Working Paper No. 405 February 2022
Namibia’s industry targeting dashboard
Loreto, Amazonia Peruana (2020)
Hausmann R., Santos M., Tudela Pye J., Muci F., Li Y., Miralles-Wilhelm F, Grisanti A, Lu J. " Reporte de Recomendaciones de Política: Hacia un Loreto más próspero" CID Faculty Working Paper No. 388. December 2020
Hausmann R., Santos M., Mucci F., Tudela Pay J., Grisanti A., Lu J. "Diagnóstico de Crecimiento de Loreto: Principales Restricciones al Desarrollo Sostenible" CID Faculty Working Paper No. 387. November 2020
Hausmann R., Santos M., Tudela Pye J., Li Y., Grisanti A. "Loreto’s Hidden Wealth: Economic Complexity Analysis and Productive Diversification Opportunities" CID Faculty Working Paper No. 386. March 2021
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Buenos Aires (2020)
Hausmann, R., Goldstein, P., Grisanti, A., Hausmann R., Barrios D., Muhaj D., Noor S., Pan C., Santos M., Tapia J., Zuccolo B. "Emerging Cities as Independent Engines of Growth: The Case of Buenos Aires" CID Faculty Working Paper No. 385. Octuber 2020
Jordan (2019)
Hausmann, R., Goldstein, P., Grisanti, A., O'Brien, T., Tapia, J., and Miguel Angel Santos. “A Roadmap for Investment Promotion and Export Diversification: The Case for Jordan”. Harvard CID Faculty Working Paper No. 374. December, 2019. Revised February 2020
Kaasolu, S.; Hausmann, R., O´Brien, Barrios, D., Santos, M.A. "Female Labor in Jordan: A Systematic Approach to the Exclusion Puzzle" - Center for International Development, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper No. 365. October, 2019.
Hausmann, R., O´Brien, Barrios, D., Santos, M.,Grisanti, A., Kasoolu, S., Taniparti, N., Tapia J., Villasmil, R. "Jordan: Elements of a growth strategy" - Center for International Development, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper No. 364. February, 2019
Hermosillo (2017 -2018)
Barrios, D., Santos, M.A. (2019). "Is there life after Ford?" in Davis, D., Vera, F., Seijas, A., and Arcia, D. (eds.) City Design, Planning and Policy Innovations: The Case of Hermosillo. Inter-American Development Bank, July 2019, pp. 131-153.
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Hausmann, R., Barrios, D., Santos, M., Grisanti, A., Obach, J., Ramos, J. Tapia "Sí hay un futuro después de los autos: Análisis de crecimiento económico para Hermosillo". Center for International Development, Harvard Kennedy School. Octubre, 2017
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Venezuela (2015-2021)
Santos, M.A. La Venezuela del día antes (y la del día después), en Comunidad Venezuela: Una agenda de investigación y acción local. (Alejandro Fajardo y Alejandra Vargas, editores) May, 2021. International Development Research Center de Canada
Bahar, D., Bustos, S,. Morales, J and Santos, M.A. Revisiting the evidence: Impact of the 2017 sanctions on Venezuela. May, 2019
Bahar, D., Molina, C., and Santos, M.A. Fool’s Gold: On the Impact of Venezuelan Devaluations in Multinational Stock Prices Economia LACEA Fall 2018 Issue. Vol. 19 no. 1, 2018, pp. 93-128.
Halff, A., Monaldi, F., Palacios, L,. Santos, M. Code Red: Venezuela’s Oil and Debt Crises. Columbia University. February 2018
Venezuela: Running on empty. Latin American Studies Association, Volume 48, Issue 1, Winter 2017
Halff, A., Monaldi, F., Palacios, L,. Santos, M. Apocalypse Now: Venezuela, Oil and Reconstruction. Columbia University. July 2017
Reinhart, C., and Santos, M.A. From Financial Repression To External Distress: The Case Of Venezuela. National Bureau of Economic Research. July 2015
Panamá (2016-2017)
Hausmann,R., Santos, M., Obach, J. Appraising the Economic Potential of Panama: Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper No. 334 May 2017
Hausman, R., Espinoza, L., and Santos, M.A. Shifting Gears: A Growth Diagnostic of Panama. Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper No. RWP 16-045, October 2016 (revised January 2017)
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[PDF - Español]
Hausmann, R., Obach, J., and Santos, M.A. Special Economic Zones in Panama: A Labor Market Perspective. Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper No. RWP 16-044, September 2016 (revised January 2017)
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[PDF - Español]
Morales, J.R., Hausmnan, R., and Santos, M.A. Panama beyond the Canal: Using Technological Proximities to Identify Opportunities for Productive Diversification. Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper No. RWP 16-046, October 2016 (revised March 2017)
Chiapas (2014-2020)
“Hausmann, R., Pietrobelli, C., and Santos, M.A. “Place-specific determinants of income gaps: New sub-national evidence from Mexico”. Journal of Business Research No. 343. Volume 131, July 2021, Pages 782-792
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Levy, D., Espinoza, L., Flores, M., Hausmann, R., and Santos, M.A. Why is Chiapas poor?. Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper No. RWP 16-049, October 2016.
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[PDF - Español]
Cheston, T., Hausmann, R., Pietrobeli, C., and Santos, M.A. Towards a Prosperous and Productive Chiapas: Institutions, Policies, and Public-Private Dialog to Promote Inclusive Growth. Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper No. RWP 16-047, October 2016.
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Espinoza, L., Hausmann, R., and Santos, M.A. Chiapas Growth Diagnosis: The Trap of Low Productivity. Harvard Center for International Development, Faculty Working Paper Series No. 304, October 2015.
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[PDF - Español]
Cheston, T., Hausmann, R., and Santos, M.A. La complejidad económica de Chiapas. Harvard Center for International Development, Faculty Working Paper Series No. 302, September 2015.
Dal Buoni, S., Garriga, E., Lusetti, C., and Santos, M.A. Piloto de Crecimiento Inclusivo en comunidades indígenas de Chiapas en Cruztón, Chamula. Harvard Center for International Development, Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 65 November 2015.